Contemporary Modern Jazz, Preparatory Grade

01-04-2024 16:25

Voor de Contemporary Modern Jazz Preparatory Grade demonstreren kandidaten een basisvocabulaire van beweging in de gekozen discipline. Een goed begrip van de techniek wordt weerspiegeld in het vermogen om zeer eenvoudige bewegingen te coördineren binnen het bereik van hun eigen fysieke mogelijkheden. Het cijfer van de examinator wordt aangegeven als onvoldoende (0-64), voldoende (65-74), goed (75-84) of uitmuntend (85-100).

In the Contemporary Modern Jazz Preparatory Grade candidates demonstrate a basic vocabulary of movement in the chosen discipline. An understanding of the technique is reflected in the ability to co-ordinate very simple movements within the range of their own physical capability. The Examiner's mark is indicated as Unsuccessful (0-64), Pass (65-74), Merit (75-84) or Distinction (85-100).

heeft inzicht in de syllabusvereisten met adequate demonstratie

has an understanding of the syllabus requirements with adequate demonstration
heeft inzicht in de syllabusvereisten met competente tot goede demonstratie

has an understanding of the syllabus requirements with competent to good demonstration
toont een zeer goed / uitstekend begrip van de syllabusvereisten met een zeer goede demonstratie

shows a very good / excellent understanding of the syllabus requirements with a very good demonstration
toont enig besef van timing en ritme

shows some awareness of timing and rhythm
blijft zich bewust van timing en ritme en kan reageren op de stemming en veranderingen van de muziek

maintains awareness of timing and rhythm and may respond to the mood and changes of the music
handhaaft een zeer goed / uitstekend ritme en timing, en reageert goed op de dynamiek van de muziek

maintains a very good / excellent rhythm and timing, and responds well to the dynamics of the music
heeft een basisgevoel van presenteren

attains a basic sense of presentation
toont de ontwikkeling van expressie door beweging en kan blijk geven van het vermogen om de uitvoering op een publiek te projecteren

shows development of expression through movement and may show ability to project the performance to an audience
toont vertrouwen in uitvoering en presentatie

shows confidence in performance and presentation

Verspreiding van resultaten Distributions of results

2019 2020 2023 2024 Totaalscore
Overall mark


Totaal afgenomen testen
Total of tests taken

Resultaten per leerling Results per student

Pin (jaar
Overall mark (100)
Technique (60)
Musicality (20)
Performance (20)
CNE925 (2023) Merit (75) 45 15 15 Well tried. Exercises and steps showed development. Now keep all the placings neat and tidy. Satisfactory jungle vibe delivered
CJL226 (2023) Merit (75) 45 15 15 Was a little unsure in places. Do keep working hard. Now try to remember all the requirements. Pleasing effort made with the dance
CJL176 (2020) Merit (75) 45 15 15 Well done. Keep listening to your music to keep in time. Practise your 'Explore' and 'Jungle vibe' dance a little more.
CGS614 (2020) Merit (75) 45 15 15 Well done. Keep listening to the music. Practise the 'Explore' and 'Jungle vibe' a bit more now.
CGS613 (2020) Merit (75) 45 15 15 Well done. Keep listening to the music. Don't rush. Practise the 'Explore' and 'Jungle vibe' more.
CGS610 (2020) Merit (75) 45 15 15 Well done. Keep projecting to the audience and remember to smile. Practise the 'Explore' and 'Jungle vibe' more.
CGS238 (2019) Merit (77) 45 16 16 The 'Jogging Warm up' was well-travelled. Tried hard with the timing of the set work, now continue to strengthen the legs and feet.
CGS234 (2019) Merit (77) 45 16 16 Tried hard today and was secure with the set work. Continue to strengthen the technical requirements now.
CLJ373 (2023) Merit (77) 47 15 15 Satisfactory response to the exercises shown. Now can you aim to run nicely on your toes. Tried hard with explore and jungle vibe
CLJ377 (2023) Merit (77) 47 15 15 Well tried. A few little hesitations today, however you did work hard with jungle crawl and explore. Satisfactory dance shown
CGS216 (2023) Merit (77) 47 15 15 You attempted your work well. Strive now to keep all the movements neat and tidy. Tried hard with explore and dance
CJL189 (2024) Merit (78) 46 16 16 Good jungle crawl and rain forest had sincere feeling. A little hesitant towards the last few exercises today. Some promising work. Well done
CJT930 (2024) Merit (78) 46 16 16 Good dynamics on rain forest. Spine flexibility developing well on curve. A little more confidence and rehearsal towards the end exercises today. Some promising work. Well done
CGS258 (2019) Merit (78) 46 16 16 An athletic approach to the modern jazz work, showing pleasing lift in the 'Jogging Warm up'. Remember to stretch the feet now.
CJL214 (2020) Merit (78) 47 15 16 Well done. You tried hard. Keep working on expressing qualities of the music. I enjoyed your 'Jungle vibe'.
CGS239 (2019) Merit (79) 46 17 16 Listened to the music and showed developing use of rhythm. Promising strength in the legs, now aim to stretch the feet.
CJL193 (2020) Merit (80) 48 16 16 Well done. You tried hard. Remember to use your expressions and fully extend your arms when reaching above your head.
CJL192 (2020) Merit (80) 48 16 16 Well done. You tried hard. Think about projecting more now and presenting with more confidence.
CJL207 (2020) Merit (80) 48 16 16 Well done. i enjoyed your 'Rain forest'. Keep working on your performance and confidence. I enjoyed your 'Jungle vibe'.
CJL200 (2020) Merit (80) 48 16 16 Well done. You tried hard. Remember to stretch your feet on elevated steps. Well tried 'Jungle vibe'.
CDS230 (2020) Merit (80) 48 16 16 Well done. You tried hard. I enjoyed your 'Rain forest'. Try to keep confident throughout.
CJL219 (2020) Merit (81) 48 17 16 Well done. I enjoyed your 'Rain forest'. Keep working on your projection. Well tried 'Jungle vibe' dance.
CLJ341 (2023) Merit (81) 49 16 16 Tried hard with all the exercises and movements. Now keep the footwork neat and tidy on the extended steps. Promising Explore and Dance shown
CLJ354 (2023) Merit (81) 49 16 16 Attempted the elements well. Now continue to work hard to finish off all lines shown. Promising jungle vibe
CGS581 (2023) Distinction (85) 51 17 17 Knew the requirements well. Now make sure all the lines are finished off. Explore and dance most promising
CGS580 (2023) Distinction (85) 51 17 17 Quite a pleasing response maintained throughout. Technique showed a promising development. Tried hard with the explore and dance
CJL202 (2023) Distinction (85) 51 17 17 Promising timing maintained throughout. Actions developing nicely. Now remember to stretch those feet all the time. Lovely Jungle vibe